We welcome you to the Neurosurgery unit of Molly Specialist Hospital. The unit performs quite a number of adult neurosurgical procedures that range from treating congenital anomalies to complex brain aneurysms and trauma.

Brain trauma results from an injury to head often caused by a fall or road traffic accident (RTA). The brain “floats” inside the skull and is vulnerable to sudden, high energy force. The delicate tissue can be injured when bleeding occurs in and around the brain.Swelling can occur which all can lead to an elevation of the intracranial pressure (ICP).

The treatment of brain injury is focused on limiting secondary injury by reducing ICP. Treatment may include the use of medications such as highly concentrated sodium intravenous fluids, as well as the placement of an external ventricular drain to relieve the build-up of fluid within the brain itself. These procedures are what we perform through our trained medical personnel.

For some patients who must undergo surgery, a craniotomy may be required to remove the accumulation of blood from the surface of the brain and within the brain itself as well as relieve elevated intracranial pressure.

Armed with state-of-the-art neuro-supported theatre and instrument, our neurosurgeons have unparalleled experience in treating simple and complex neurological conditions (including traumatic brain injury).

Conatct US:

Molly Specialist Hospital
6, American Quarters,
Yidi, Agodi G.R.A.,
+234 807 674 8330

Molly Specialist Hospital
18, Idi-ape,
Iwo Road,
+234 807 674 8334

Molly Specialist Hospital
18, Idi-ape,
Iwo Road,
+234 807 674 8334

How can we help you?

Our office protocol:

We run a 24-hour service. All our patients should endeavour to visit our Records Dept for data capture/registration. This must however be done 30 minutes before appointment time. If you foresee a possibility that you might not be able to come for your appointment, please, endeavour to cancel the appointment 24 hours before due date. To cancel/reschedule your appointment, please click here or call us on +234 807 712 2644 to speak to the Appointment Schedule Officer.