You are welcome to MSH Nephrology/Dialysis Centre. Flexibility and personal approach to treatment is our guiding principle.
The Centre was opened in March 2012 and was created in collaboration with a Renal Consultant and his team of experienced Renal nurses from the United States of America who installed and provided adequate renal training to MSH’s biomedical engineers and renal nurses.
The Centre operates primarily as a private dialysis centre supporting patients with End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF). MSH Dialysis Centre is a milestone achievement in the practice of medicine in Nigeria as it has at its disposal all the resources to deal with medical emergencies such as, vascular access problems or patients becoming acutely ill during their stay for the procedure.
The Centre is located at the main hospital: Molly Specialist Hospital American Quarters, Agodi G.R.A, Ibadan. The hospital’s environment is serene, conducive and easily accessible from different locations within the town.
MSH Dialysis centre is well illuminated with independent temperature control system. The Centre consists of four stations apart from the one in an isolation area, which has its own conveniences. Each station is equipped with fully adjustable bed, thus ensuring patient’s comfort during their dialysis session. Every station has screening around it in order to ensure privacy where needed, adjustable bed tables, television, internet facility, oxygen and vacuum ports and an aneroid sphygmomanometer.
The Centre is equipped with the Fresenius haemodialysis machine, which is capable of performing all renal haemodialysis replacement therapies. The machine offers the safety and efficiency of all important treatment modalities within the scope of renal replacement therapies.
The Fresenius haemodialysis machine has an Advanced Dialysis Fluid Circuit and is capable of monitoring among others, the following dialysis parameters during treatment:
- Blood Volume Management
- Blood temperature Management
- Clearance Monitoring
The machine also has one of the most advanced disinfecting and cleaning programmes available, which has been validated to be user and environmentally friendly and economical. This is due to their capability for disinfecting, decalcifying, and cleaning effects followed by a thorough rinse of the whole circuit. It combines both heat and chemical disinfection programmes.
Water Treatment System
The Water treatment system within the Centre was installed and is constantly maintained by team of experienced Engineers who are always on hand to inspect and certify the equipments for use on patients. It consists of the following components:
- Raw water inlet unit
- Tap water storage tank
- Booster pump
- Sand Filter
- Particle Filter
- Duplex softener
- Activated carbon-filter
- Fine filter
- Particle Filter
- Osmosis unit
The system is designed, so that the quality of the water produced meets industry best standard and practice. These include among others limits set for bacteria, endotoxin and key chemicals. The water produced by the plant is routinely analysed by relevant authority in order to ensure and safe guard the well-being of our patients.
The water station is located at close proximity to the dialysis room where it can easily be monitored by the engineers for effective performance and adequate monitoring of the water system facilities.
For further enquiries about this unit, please call: +234 807 712 2644 or visit the hospital.
Conatct US:
Molly Specialist Hospital
6, American Quarters,
Yidi, Agodi G.R.A.,
+234 807 674 8330
Molly Specialist Hospital
18, Idi-ape,
Iwo Road,
+234 807 674 8334
Molly Specialist Hospital
18, Idi-ape,
Iwo Road,
+234 807 674 8334
How can we help you?
Our office protocol:
We run a 24-hour service. All our patients should endeavour to visit our Records Dept for data capture/registration. This must however be done 30 minutes before appointment time. If you foresee a possibility that you might not be able to come for your appointment, please, endeavour to cancel the appointment 24 hours before due date. To cancel/reschedule your appointment, please click here or call us on +234 807 712 2644 to speak to the Appointment Schedule Officer.